Save Our Planet

Save Our Planet produced a wide range of response. From the Beauty of our Planet, to the Destruction of our Planet, to Solutions, to Hope. You'll see references to Climate Change, like Flooding, Drought, Storms, Migration, Species Loss, and Food Scarcity. They all come together in the two Rooms of the Exhibition.

The jury is finally in! First Place goes to Christine Reichow ; Second Place goes to O Yemi Tubi; Third Place goes to Gretchen Bainum; and Honorable Mentions go to: Suze Woolf, Gerry Chapleski, David Griffith,  Richard Mittelstadt, and  Maya Cozmos.   The "People's Choice" award goes to Michelle Ranee Johnson. 

Other People who were nominated for prizes: 

Danelle Rivas, John Diephouse, Cathy Ehrler, Pat OConnor, Janet Reynolds, Marilyn Manley, and Trent Pechon. 



Save Our Planet - Room 1

It is possible that your work is in more than one room, so please explore!


Room 2 of a Two-Room Exhibition

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